Construction workers need to be able to work well with their team in order to be successful in their role. Construction is not a role where you can work individually; it requires teamwork and support from your colleagues in order to remain safe and productive.

This is where team building exercises come in handy. Team building helps everyone to get to know one another and to learn their working styles. It helps to turn groups of individuals into a team that is able to communicate, collaborate, and be more productive in the workplace.

Team building exercises can help to boost productivity and staff morale, while reducing the risk of accidents in the workplace. Workers need to know their colleagues well if they are ever going to ask for help and support in the workplace.

With this in mind, here are some incredible team building exercises you could try with your construction team. These will help to break down barriers and help everyone to get to know each other better so that they can be more productive on the building site.

If you often have to build construction crews from scratch, these games and activities will help to break the ice and encourage everyone to work together more effectively from day one.

Blind building

1. Blind building

When working with construction teams, it makes sense to include a building challenge. They might have the construction and engineering skills to build anything from anything, so you need to make this more challenging. The purpose of this exercise is to test their teamwork, cooperation and communication skills.

One team member of blindfolded and they must follow instructions from their teammates to build something out of random objects. You could challenge them to make a tall structure from Jenga blocks, or to gift wrap a present. Teams can score points for completing the challenge and then also for technical skill.

2. Silent ordering

Another communication-based game, except in this one, everyone can see but no one can speak. The purpose of this game is to find new ways of communicating and interacting without using your words.

Create a list of parameters and shout these out. It could include things like “age”, “height”, “first name”. The challenge the group faces is to sort themselves into order based on these parameters. They will need to communicate things like their age and first name without using their words. Set a timer and reward prizes for meeting deadlines, but then deduct points for getting things wrong.

Long distance bike ride

3. Long distance bike ride

A physical challenge could be just the thing your teams need to feel more collaborative and connected. They won’t be strangers to physical challenges, but the purpose of a charity bike ride is not to win – it’s to make sure you all cross the finish line together.

Not only will your team be able to bond over the physical challenge, they can also do something amazing by raising money for charity at the same time.

4. Trivia night

Who doesn’t love a trivia night? Make it a construction-themed quiz and include some questions about health and safety in the workplace to ensure that everyone has been listening to their training.

Everyone will be split into teams, so make sure they are all placed with new people so they have to get to know new members of the team. You can expect to see a competitive side emerge as the teams compete for the most points – and the grand prize. 

Games night

5. Games night

Playing games together is another great way for everyone to get to know one another outside of their usual workplace. This will allow them to tap into their competitive sides and relate to one another on a more personal level.

The perfect games night could include things like pizza and snacks and a few different games that challenge their strategy and communication skills. Leave the games of luck out of it and pick skill and strategy-based board games such as:

  • Codenames
  • The Resistance
  • Pictionary
  • The Traitors
  • Catan

6. Lego building

Not all team building activities need to be competitive. Sometimes, they can be more mindful and relaxing. It’s really just about creating a space outside of the usual work setting where the team can get to know one another and chat in a friendly space.

Grab a few Lego kits and some snacks and enjoy an afternoon of mindful Lego building. The interesting thing about these challenges is you will get to see who naturally takes the lead and who is more content to follow the pack. This can be an incredible tool for identifying untapped leadership potential.

Closing thoughts

Team building activities could quickly become a firm favourite among your team. Make it a regular thing and offer something new every time. It’s not just great for establishing strong relationships between existing employees, but it’s also excellent for quickly onboarding new employees and making them feel like part of the team.