Team building is an important part of ensuring cohesion in the workplace. It can help to break down barriers and encourage workers to get to know each other on a personal level. When they can relate personally, there is more trust and cooperation. And all of this turns into increased employee satisfaction, productivity and profitability.

From a business perspective, there is certainly a strong case for promoting more bonding and team building in the workplace. Leaders often get caught up in worrying about the impact it will have on productivity if employees are given time off work to engage in team building activities. But smart business leaders know that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

In the airline industry, it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. It’s a sector that works across different locations and different time zones. This can make it more difficult to plan team building activities. But this is no reason to avoid the challenge. If you’re trying to make space for team building for your airline management staff, consider the following tips…

Schedule it for working hours

Schedule it for working hours

If you schedule your team building activities for outside of working hours, it becomes voluntary, and this will lead to a fall in participation. Airline workers are busy, and they don’t want to be staying after work or arriving early to take part in team building. As this is a work activity, it should always take place on the clock.

This not only helps to keep things professional, but it also helps individuals to open up about work related issues. They’re more likely to address their concerns about issues in the workplace if they are still on company time.

Give everyone advanced notice

Taking time out of your day for team building activities can be stressful for some people. Make sure everyone has advanced notice so they can plan their day accordingly. Also make sure everyone has the support to get their work done so they don’t head into the team building exercise feeling stressed. 

Another way to keep stress levels down is to schedule this for a specific time and give it a fixed duration. Timed tasks like escape rooms are great for this type of challenge, as there is a limit to how long it can go on for.

Consider personality types

Consider personality types

Different people respond to different challenges, and it can be interesting to see what tasks and challenges allow some people to flourish. Make sure you plan team building challenges for introverts and extroverts, so everyone has a chance to shine. You can also think about how to mix up teams so there is a unique mix of personality types on each team.

Introverts might feel more confident with building challenges, while extroverts might thrive when asked to perform or present. Trivia night is the perfect mix of both worlds, as you’ll need introverts and extroverts to be on the same side if they are to succeed. 

Don’t just cater to strengths

Think about where their weaknesses lie as much as their strengths. If you know your team is already very active, then planning a team building challenge about strength and performance will not necessarily be challenging for them. With a group of mixed ability, challenging them to work together will be a unique team building experience. 

For example, you could plan a charity bike ride that encourages everyone to train together to achieve a common goal. Individual training goals go out of the window and the team has to figure out how they are going to cross the finish line together, even with a group of mixed abilities. 

Try different events

Try different events

Don’t think of team building as something that you do once and then tick off your list for good. Team building should become part of your company culture and be a regular fixture in your corporate calendar. This will enable you to try different event types to find out which ones are most successful with your team.

This will also ensure that everyone has a chance to shine. Remember that the best teams are made up of lots of different personality types and strengths. And these teams will flourish when they really get to know their coworkers and appreciate these strengths. Not everyone has to function in the same way or display the same skills to succeed in airline management.

Final thoughts

Planning an effective team building activity is all about understanding your teams and what you hope to achieve. Team building can be a chance to socialise outside of a working environment, but it can also be a highly effective way to start a dialogue about what could be improved in the workplace. Through careful planning and a commitment to making team building a regular part of your corporate calendar, you can maximise the benefits for your company.